Smartwatch vs. Fitness Tracker
Most fitness trackers have some smartwatch functionality, and most smartwatches have fitness features, too. The Fitbit Versa 3 comes close to blending both worlds, but at the moment it still lags far behind the Apple Watch in terms of third-party app support.
The Apple Watch Series 6 places more of an emphasis on health and fitness tracking than any other smartwatch we've seen. It can calculate your blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level on demand in 15 seconds and even has an FDA-approved electrocardiogram (ECG) function that generates a PDF of your heart rhythm you can share with your doctor, which is a feature you won't find on any of the other trackers listed here. But as its name implies, it's first and foremost a smartwatch. See our list of The Best Smartwatches for recommendations in that category.